Moving Scores

There’s a feature on Sibelius that I’ve just recently begun to use: Exort a movie of your score. Sibelius creates a a moving score of a work with sounds also created by Sibelius. Some of the sounds are quite good.

I am presently creating the videos via Sibelius and then uploading them to YouTube, since youtube is a big online base for almosteverything these days, unfortunately.

Anyway, I’m using it also because it’s easiest to embed the score videos on YouTube in the website software I use, wordpress. It’s a bit “old school” these days, but it was state of the art when I first created my homepage almost 20 years ago. And after my devastating brain injury in 2014, when I was finally able to use the computer and compose again, more than half a decade had passed, so I went with what was most comfortable and I could update my tunes or news about any activities I was doing.

The process is:

  1. Write\compose a musical score in Sibelius. a composing software
  2. Create a moving score video from that software
  3. Upload that file to Youtube
  4. Copy the URL of the video I’ve added to YouTube
  5. Paste that URL into an empty block on a page of my WordPress Homepage
  6. Hope it all plays correctly

I like this new sibelius feature so people can see my score that I’ve witten, even if the video uses computer-generated sounds as the soundtrack’s instruments.

(I hope to add live performances to the videos someday. –Someday.)

I’ve now added “movie scores” of every piece I’ve engraved in Sibelius on the “score videos” page of this site. I have some works that I’ve never put into Sibelius, but some other software like the now obsolete Score and Finale.