I’m beginning to think that my idea to produce the Queens New Music Festival was totally self-motivated. My original idea for the festival was that I wanted to promote Queens in the new music world by having lots of groups come out to Queens to play some of their tunes. That happened (and will happen again in May 2013!). Secondary to that goal was the chance to meet some new performers and to network a bit with and among them.
It turns out that many of the other festival performers were listening to each other’s performances–including a performance of my Toast and Jam. Shortly after the festival, the director of the Quintet of the Americas told me that she’d really enjoyed my work and asked if I had any works for woodwind quintet. Unfortunately, I don’t. But, last week, she called me up and asked if I’d be willing to write a new work for them for the 2014 season. I’m pleased to accept a commission from this very established and high-quality ensemble. So, keep a look out for a new woodwind quintet in the spring of 2014.