Score Videos

Echo And Jag

(an anagram of John Cage) who first introduced the idea of “preparing” a piano by alteringit by placing screws between the strings, wrapping the strings in cloth and placing wood plates above the strings for the key’s hammerers to strike.

Prayer for 2 Sopranos’ lyrics are taken from a typical end of service at a snogogue. “Bring peace to the world. Bring peace to man. Please.”

Toast And Jam, published by BRS Music, is a fun romp played by Fl. Xylo, Vn, and Vc. It has constant shifts in meter, like 2\4 6\8, 5\8…

Spring: Mudluscious and Puddle Wonderful for Bb clarinet and piano. This title is taken from a poem by my favorite poet e e cummings.

Ayre and Earth, above, was premiered by Jessica Mathas.

Aspects of a Singularity for Viol consort, 1 sop, 1 ten, 2 bs was premiered by the Parthenia Viol Consort.

Pretty Saro for SATB Choir.

(again, because this a vido score created by software, the voices do not produce actul lyrics)

A Dance of Shadows for Vc. and Pn.

3 Phantasies for Vc. and Pn.

  1. A Dance of Rain and Distant Thunder
  2. Pretty Saro
  3. Gelid Spirits Leap Amongst The Trees

3 American Folk Songs

(This video arrangement for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, and Bassoon. This same arrangement is also available with a different instrumentation of Flute. Clarinet, Violin, Viola, and Cello. It is also available in a lower transposition.)

As Big As Alone (2011)